15 Bible Verses about Being Positive and Happy


You’ve probably heard the advice to “simply be positive” or”look” on the bright side” from someone. And even if they may have the best intentions, as anyone who a breakup has ever caught off guard, cared for a sick family member, or been fired from a job can attest, that is sometimes an easier said than done situation.

Even amid these troubles, you need to stay positive and happy.

Bible Verses about being positive and happy

The truth is that being optimistic may have less to do with always remaining upbeat and more with responding resiliently.

Here are 15 bible Verses about being positive and happy in one’s sagacity to face difficult situations while also keeping in mind that nothing is always terrible is the most helpful description of being positive,”

Romans 15:13 – The Holy Spirit will fill you with hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 NIV
Romans 15_13

God is the source of all joy, peace, and hope through his Holy Spirit’s influence. Our only chance is in believing that God is in control of our life. You should take solace in the knowledge that God is in control. I pray that this verse may inspire you to maintain your optimism and happiness.


Philippians 1:6 – Be confident in the good works of God

 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:6 NIV

Philippians 1_6

When we were born again, God alone began our careers through faith. The instant we were rescued, a piece of grace began in our lives. The divine goodness of the Father, who intended to bring His Son into the world to be the sacrifice for our sin, is the foundation of that act of grace.

God will undoubtedly finish the outstanding work He began in each of us, which is a definite cause for us to remain positive and happy.


Philippians 4:8 – Think about extraordinary things.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8 (ESV)

Philippians 4_8 

When life is complicated and frustrating, it is simple to focus on the bad; this passage is meant to encourage and help us get through difficult times and appreciate the beautiful moments.

We should surround ourselves with admirable, excellent, honorable, and pure things because these things will keep our eyes on God’s stuff, and Christ’s will work for us.


Ephesians 4:29 – Speak of the good things that benefit others

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

Ephesians 4_29 

If you want to become cheerful, getting rid of all evil and negative thoughts requires doing it with your lips and your heart.

The Bible often talks about the impact of our words. Words can both create and destroy. These corrupt words not only do not exalt God but also cause us negative thoughts. Allow the Holy Spirit to feed and inspire your comments to keep you positive.


Ecclesiastes 2:26 – God gives wisdom to who pleases him

“To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

Ecclesiastes 2:26 NIV

Ecclesiastes 2_26

Solomon advises us to decide to enjoy life. To enjoy life requires making a choice. Choosing a faith-based viewpoint that our work is worthwhile is the first step. The choice of a faith perspective is the foundation for enjoying life. God is its foundation; through this foundation, we are given the joy of life we seek.


Ecclesiastes 9:7 – Be filled with gladness

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do.

Ecclesiastes 9:7 NIV

Ecclesiastes 9_7

In this verse, Solomon instructs us to enjoy life and be happy. We may appreciate life’s daily blessings if we accept things as they are and live. We are advised to have a good attitude and faith in God. It is through this that we can experience a life that is contented, satisfied, fulfilled, and free of worries.


Psalm 37:4 – Delight in God to get your heart desires

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 37:4 NIV

Psalm 37_4

Our hearts find fullness and contentment in the Lord when we delight in Him. Our greatest desires can never be satisfied by this world, but if we choose to rejoice in God, He will always provide above and above what we could hope for.


Psalm 144:15 – Make God your Lord and be blessed

Blessed is the people of whom this is true; blessed are the people whose God is the Lord.

Psalm 144:15NIV 

Psalm 144_15

Even among believers, receiving possessions and places is frequently seen as a great blessing. Although they are or could be a blessing, they are not the most incredible blessing somebody could ever experience.

Having God as one’s Lord and Savior is the greatest blessing one can enjoy. When you acknowledge God as your Lord, He becomes your source of happiness and will direct you toward living the best possible joyful and positive life.


Psalm16:8-9 – Don‘t shaken but rejoice in the Lord

I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices: my body also will rest secure.
Psalm 16:8-9 NIV
Psalm 16_8-9

We see Christ, the epitome of the perfect man, through David. Christ raised His voice in humbling prayer and submissive adoration to God for His direction and counsel.

May we constantly attempt to keep the LORD before our eyes, confident that He is by our side and will always be there for us; this thought alone should bring us happiness.


Philippians 4:13 – Christ will strengthen you

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13NIV

Philippians 4_13

This well-known verse is sometimes reduced to serving as a per person’s inspiration to get through a difficult situation. Yet, God never assures us that all earthly difficulties will be resolved or eliminated.

The purpose of this verse is to give hope to the helpless and those confronted with challenging situations. This text challenges us to develop our ability to be joyful and content. It serves as a reminder and an inspiration that even though life may be difficult, God is with you.


Bible Verses about being happy and enjoying life

The Bible Verses encourage Christians, particularly young people, to have fun. God endows us with the capacity to appreciate our possessions. Does this mean in life you will have no problems? No, does this imply that you will become wealthy? No, but having a good time, being happy, and enjoying life has nothing to do with wealth.

Proverbs 17:22 

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

Although the author of this verse wishes for our happiness, we are also reminded that we have the freedom to choose whether to feel joy or sorrow. Because a happy person can choose to be joyful despite terrible hardships, and a depressed person can ruin a special occasion.

If you have a joyful heart, life can be a constant feast; however, someone with a pessimistic outlook will constantly find fault. You will discover God’God’sssing and a healing balm for your body if you are thankful, joyful, at peace, and full of praise.


Psalm 19:8

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
Psalm 19:8 NIV

The purpose of God’God’ss and their commandments is to bring happiness to His people and followers. The LordLord’structions are transparent and will guide you in leading a good life. We are reminded that God is right in this verse. And if we adhere to it, it will make us happy. God’God’sd is simple.


John 15:11

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

John 15:11 NIV

This well-known passage provides accurate insight into our standing in Christ. For His love and peace to rule in their hearts and their joy to overflow, Christ spoke many things to His disciples. Jesus wants to bring us joy through Him, so let’s fellowship with Him to bring Him glory through our entertainment. God wants us to be happy, and God’s happiness is our happiness.


Bible Verses about success and happiness

We must never adopt a materialistic mindset or develop a possession-obsessed mindset if we want to be successful and happy. If you are unhappy with what you have, you will never be satisfied and become successful.

Be careful; Christians are not to be part of the world and its deceitful desires. We are not to live a life of rebellion. We must ensure that God approves of our actions and that they are by his word. This will help us make in making good decisions instead of bad ones.

God made you for a reason, so rejoice and give him thanks daily. Enjoy yourself when you grin, laugh, and have fun. Recognize the value of the little things. Count your blessings daily.


Ecclesiastes 7:14

In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.

Ecclesiastes 7:14(ESV)

We are reminded of SoloSolomon’sments in Ecclesiastes 3:1 in this passage, “There is a time for making, and a season for every activity in heavens.”

Whom we succeed, we are to be joyful and thankful, dedicating all of God’God’sssings to his glory and the welfare of our fellow humans. We are also encouraged to have a submissive spirit, meek contentment, and sensitive regard for God’God’slings with us in times of affliction.

We learn the important lesson of our complete and ongoing dependence on God via adversity, not so much as a way of atonement for past wrongdoing but rather as a method of preparing for future obligations.


Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from

Matthew 11:28-30(ESV)

This passage should bring you a breath of fresh air. Through the words of this passage, God demonstrates His love for us. He is ready to bear our yoke if we come to him in humility to find rest. Jesus provides a light collar. Because Jesus shares it with us, it is simple. Jesus wants to give us a collar that will keep us content, joyful, and optimistic.


As I draw a close, let me reiterate how important it is to maintain the perspective of being happy and cheerful. And for Christians, that entails having a Biblical viewpoint.

What do I mean? My advice is to avoid adopting a secular mindset since doing so will make you believe that being a Christian prevents you from enjoying life and will also make you show ungracious behavior toward God.

To sow seeds of lies in our thoughts, our enemy, the devil, only needs a tiny bit of space from us. That is why spending more time with God and concentrating on cultivating our connection with him is crucial. The reason we are genuinely positive and happy.



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