How To Trust God Completely

How To Trust God Completely

In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, learning to trust God completely can be both liberating and transformative.

Trusting in a higher power allows us to relinquish our worries and fears, finding solace in the knowledge that there is a greater plan at work.

However, achieving this level of trust is not always easy, as it requires a conscious effort and a genuine desire to surrender control.

In this article, we will explore practical steps on how to trust in God completely and help you develop unwavering faith .

How to Trust God Completely

Let’s explore each step in more detail and provide additional insights to help you develop a deeper understanding of how to trust God completely.

1. Cultivate a Relationship with God:

Trusting someone inherently requires knowing and understanding them. Similarly, to trust God completely, you need to cultivate a meaningful and personal relationship with Him.

This involves engaging in regular conversations with God through prayer, meditation, or moments of quiet reflection.

It’s not just about asking for things but also about expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and surrendering your worries and fears.

Consider setting aside specific times during your day to connect with God. Find a quiet place, free from distractions, where you can meditate on His word and listen for His voice.

Reading sacred texts and books that inspire spiritual growth can also provide insights into God’s character and His desire for your life.

2. Reflect on Past Experiences:

Looking back on your life journey allows you to recognize patterns of God’s faithfulness and care.

Remember the times when you were faced with challenges or difficult decisions, and how God guided you through those situations.

Reflecting on these instances reinforces the truth that God is present and active in your life.

Moreover, understanding that God’s plan often unfolds in unexpected ways can help you develop trust even in times of uncertainty.

There may be situations where you didn’t get what you wanted, but in hindsight, you realize that God’s plan was far better than what you had envisioned.

3. Surrender Control:

Surrendering control to God is an ongoing process that requires humility and a willingness to let go of your ego-driven desires.

Often, our need for control stems from a fear of the unknown or a lack of trust in God’s wisdom. However, accepting that God’s plan is superior to our own allows us to experience a profound sense of freedom.

You can practice surrender by praying specifically for God’s will to be done in your life rather than imposing your desires on Him.

Be open to the possibility that God’s plan may involve unexpected detours or challenges that will ultimately lead to your growth and well-being.

4. Embrace Patience:

In a fast-paced world where instant gratification is encouraged, developing patience can be challenging.

Trusting God requires understanding that His timing is different from ours. Remember that God’s perspective transcends time and that He is working on a grander scale that we may not fully comprehend.

Patience involves accepting that some answers or resolutions may take time to unfold. During periods of waiting, rather than becoming frustrated, focus on personal growth, character development, and honing your faith.

Embrace patience as an opportunity to deepen your trust in God’s plan and cultivate perseverance.

5. Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community:

Human connections are essential for emotional and spiritual support. Seek out a community of believers who share your faith and values.

In times of doubt or struggle, having people around you who can provide encouragement and pray with you can strengthen your trust in God.

Sharing your faith journey with others also fosters a sense of accountability and inspires you to remain steadfast in your trust.

When you see how others have overcome challenges through their faith, it reinforces the idea that you, too, can trust God in your own life.

6. Practice Gratitude:

Gratitude is a transformative attitude that shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have.

By acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, you align yourself with the understanding that God is the ultimate source of everything.

Practicing gratitude allows you to cultivate contentment and resist the temptation to compare your life with others.

The more you focus on the abundance of blessings you have received, the easier it becomes to trust that God will continue to provide and care for you.

7. Seek Wisdom in Adversity:

Adversity is an inevitable part of the human experience, but it can also be a profound teacher.

Instead of viewing difficult situations as punishment or abandonment, seek wisdom and lessons from them.

Consider how challenges have shaped your character, built resilience, or redirected your life toward better paths.

Trusting God in adversity requires believing that He can work all things for good, even in the midst of pain or suffering.

Embrace the idea that God’s love is not determined by the absence of trials but by His constant presence and support during them.

8. Embrace Vulnerability:

Trusting God requires embracing vulnerability and acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers.

It’s okay to admit when you feel lost or uncertain about the future. Surrendering to vulnerability opens the door to receive God’s guidance and support, allowing you to grow stronger in your trust.

Prayer is a powerful way to express vulnerability to God. Share your deepest thoughts, fears, and desires with Him, knowing that He cares for you unconditionally.

As you open your heart in prayer, you allow God’s peace to fill the void of uncertainty, calming your spirit and affirming your trust in His wisdom.

9. Practice Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is an essential aspect of trusting God completely.

Holding grudges and harboring resentment can create barriers between you and God, hindering the development of a deeper relationship. Trust that God is just and that He understands the complexities of human emotions.

When you forgive others and yourself, you free your heart from the burden of anger and bitterness, allowing love and trust to flourish. Trust in God’s grace and forgiveness, knowing that He is always willing to extend mercy and compassion to those who seek it.

10. Be Mindful of God’s Presence:

Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the presence of God. However, being mindful of His constant presence can help you trust Him more deeply.

Cultivate a habit of mindfulness, paying attention to the signs of God’s guidance and love in your daily experiences.

Being mindful doesn’t mean waiting for grand miracles. Instead, it involves recognizing the little blessings, moments of peace, and instances where things fall into place seemingly by divine orchestration.

When you are attuned to God’s presence in the present moment, your trust in His divine plan strengthens.

11. Face Doubts and Questions

Trusting God completely doesn’t mean ignoring doubts or suppressing questions about your faith.

Doubts are natural and can be stepping stones toward deeper understanding and faith. Instead of avoiding doubts, face them head-on and seek answers through prayer, reading sacred texts, or seeking guidance from spiritual mentors.

Engaging in thoughtful reflection and seeking understanding can lead to profound spiritual growth.

God encourages the sincere search for truth and is patient with our doubts. As you grapple with uncertainties, trust that God will provide clarity and guidance along the way.

Examples Of Trusting God In The Bible

Trusting God is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, and there are numerous examples of individuals who demonstrated unwavering faith in various circumstances. Here are some notable examples:

1. Abraham (Genesis 22:1-18):

Abraham, known as the “Father of Faith,” exemplified profound trust in God when he was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Despite the immense emotional turmoil, Abraham obeyed God’s command, believing that God had a greater plan.

At the last moment, God provided a ram for the sacrifice, reaffirming His faithfulness and the depth of Abraham’s trust.

2. Job (Job 1:20-22; Job 13:15)

Job, renowned for his perseverance in the face of overwhelming suffering, demonstrated remarkable trust in God.

Despite losing his wealth, family, and health, he refused to curse God and continued to trust in His wisdom and goodness.

Job’s steadfast faith serves as a powerful example of trusting God even in the darkest moments of life.

3. Moses (Exodus 14:13-14)

When the Israelites found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army, Moses encouraged them with these words: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.”

Moses trusted in God’s promise to lead them to safety, and God miraculously parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross safely.

4. Daniel (Daniel 6:10)

When a decree prohibited prayer to anyone but King Darius, Daniel, a devout man, continued to pray to God three times a day.

Despite knowing the punishment was being thrown into the lions’ den, Daniel’s trust in God remained unshaken. God protected Daniel in the den, showcasing His faithfulness to those who trust in Him.

5. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:16-18)

When King Nebuchadnezzar ordered everyone to worship a golden statue, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, faithful to God, refused to bow down.

Even facing the threat of being thrown into a fiery furnace, they trusted that God would deliver them. God protected them in the midst of the flames, displaying His power and their unwavering trust.


Trusting God completely is a transformative journey that involves cultivating a deep relationship with Him,

reflecting on past experiences, surrendering control, practicing patience, seeking support from a community, practicing gratitude, and finding wisdom in adversity.

Each step requires effort, intentionality, and a genuine desire to develop a closer bond with a higher power.

Remember that trusting God doesn’t mean life will be free from challenges, but it grants you the peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing them.

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