When Did Jesus Say He Would Return?

When did Jesus say he would return

One of the pillars of Christian belief is the notion of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. Jesus made various references to his coming in the New Testament.

He told his followers that he would return and urged them always to be ready. But when specifically did Jesus declare that he would return?

When did Jesus say He would return?

According to the Bible, Jesus predicted that he would return at an unknown time, including himself. Jesus could return tomorrow, next month, next year, or in 100 years.

What does this entail for you and me, then? Be prepared for Jesus Christ’s second coming at all times.

  • Jesus Christ will soon return, and the exact time or date is not revealed. However, according to Mark 13:32 “about the day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the father.”
  • Christians often disagree about the precise date of Jesus’ return. Some see the Bible as indicating that the Second Coming of Christ is quickly approaching, while others think it will happen much later. Others contend that Jesus has already made his spiritual return and that the processes building up to his actual return have already begun.
  • Jesus said he would come again and judge the world, but he also said it would be alone. For instance, Jesus is quoted in the book of Matthew as stating,

    “Heaven and the earth will vanish, but my words will remain forever. However, no one, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father, is aware of that day or hour “ (Matthew 24:35-36).

  • Jesus provided more information on his coming back in the book of Acts” in the renewal of all things when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel”(Acts 1:11). Jesus would come to build a kingdom and provide justice, according to this Scripture.
  • Jesus foretold a period when the Earth would be subject to terrible catastrophe and turmoil. He described catastrophic occurrences like the sun and moon turning dark, stars disappearing from the sky, and the heavens’ powers being shattered (Matthew 24:29).
  • Jesus responded to the disciples’ query about the timing of these events by saying, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only”(Matthew  4:36). This indicates that Jesus was unaware of the precise timing of these occurrences.
  • The Bible instructs believers always to be ready for Jesus’ coming, regardless of when it is thought that he will. Jesus declares in Matthew 24:44, “So, you also must be prepared, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not look for him.
  • The Christian doctrine of “vigilance” encourages believers to conduct themselves in a way that pleases God and to be ready for the end times, reflecting this image of being prepared for Jesus’ coming.

What are the signs of Jesus’ return?

Christianity’s core principle is that Jesus will come again, often known as the Second Coming.

According to the Bible, Jesus will return to Earth to judge the living and the dead and establish his kingdom at the end of time.

Jesus’ precise return date is uncertain, although several signs are considered to point in that direction:

  • Increases in environmental catastrophes and other signs of the end times, such as war, starvation, and plague, are among the most frequently stated signs of Jesus’ second coming.
  • Before the second coming of Jesus, the Bible predicts “wars and rumors of wars,” as well as “famines, pestilences, and earthquakes” (Matthew 24:6-7). The recent rise in natural calamities, including hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes, is seen by many Christians as a sign that Jesus’ second coming is drawing near.
  • The rise of false teachers and prophets indicates Jesus’ second coming. The Bible predicts that during the end times, “many false prophets would rise and deceive many” (Matthew 24:11).

    Many Christians think that the emergence of false prophets and false teachings, such as those who assert that they are the Messiah or who deny Jesus’ deity, is a sign that the time of Jesus’ return is drawing close.

  • The rising persecution of Christians worldwide indicates Jesus’ second coming. According to the Bible, “for the sake of my name, you will be despised by all nations(Matthew 24:9).

    Many Christians think that the rising persecution of Christians in nations like China, Iran, and North Korea is evidence that Jesus’ second coming is rapidly approaching.

  • The emergence of a one-world government and religion indicates that Jesus will return. According to Scripture, “the beast” will rise to power during the last days and wage war on the believers” (Revelation 13:7).

    Many Christians think that the quest for a one-world government and religion, as well as the rise of globalism, are signs that Jesus’ second coming is becoming closer.

  • The restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem is another indicator of Jesus’ second coming. The Bible says that before Jesus returns, the Antichrist will “cause an abomination of desolation” in the Temple (Matthew 24:15).

    The latest endeavor to restore the Temple in Jerusalem is seen by many Christians as a sign that Jesus’ second coming is drawing near.

  • Finally, although it is unknown when Jesus will return, several indicators indicate his impending return.

    More natural disasters, false prophets, and false doctrines, more Christians are persecuted, a one-world government and one-world religion, are emerging, and the Temple in Jerusalem is being rebuilt among these warning signals.

Why is Jesus taking so long to come back?

Jesus promised his followers he would return to Earth someday, but that hasn’t happened yet.

Christians have been left wondering why Jesus hasn’t returned yet and what they should do in the interim, leading to contention, misunderstanding, and occasionally frustration.

  • Jesus is patiently delaying His return so that people will have as much time as possible to decide whether or not to follow Him.
  • Jesus wants to return to heaven with as many people as possible who turn to Him in faith. “But, dear, do not forget this one thing: with the Lord, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day,” reads 2 Peter 3:8-9.
  • The Lord is not unfaithful to His promise, as some people perceive unfaithfulness, but is patient with us and does not want anybody to perish but instead that everyone turns from their sins.
  • The Book of Revelation contains the most widely accepted theory, which claims that Jesus patiently awaits several prophecies and events before making his second coming.
  • There is still another explanation for why Jesus hasn’t returned yet. He doesn’t want to cause unneeded dread or misery for his followers. Jesus has delayed coming back until the proper time since the Bible predicts a severe tribulation before his return.
  • Jesus will come back at the appropriate moment, whether now or in the future. All believers can do up to that point is wait patiently and have faith that Jesus is in control and will return soon.

How do we conduct ourselves while we wait?

According to the Bible, we should wait for the Lord’s coming with patience and faithfulness. Our first concern should be our relationship with God, and we should ensure we are leading holy lives.

We should make an effort to live a good and pious life, adhering to the teachings and examples outlined in the Bible to conduct ourselves appropriately before the arrival of Christ.


As much as possible, we should abstain from sin and live godly lives. We must also be ready to welcome Christ’s return when it comes.

The Bible also instructs us to share faith with others and pray consistently.

When the Lord returns, we should be prepared to serve Him joyfully and gladly by being engaged in the church and doing good deeds.

This may involve acting kindly and compassionately toward people in need, loving God and our neighbors, being truthful and fair in our interactions with others, and so on.

It might also entail sharing the gospel with others and frequently living out our beliefs via worship and prayer.

At the second coming, what will happen to the righteous?

The Bible states that upon Jesus Christ’s second coming, the righteous will be taken to heaven to be with God. The “Rapture” is a general term for this event.

Along with the righteous still alive on Earth, the righteous dead will be brought back to life and taken to heaven.

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17. The Lord will come down from heaven with a cry, an archangel’s voice, and the sound of God’s trumpet, and the first to rise are the dead in Christ.

Then, along with them, those still alive will be taken into the clouds to be with the Lord in the air. Thus, we will constantly be with the Lord.

The righteous will have the chance to enter the Kingdom of Heaven at the second coming of Jesus Christ. The eternal kingdom will be open to anyone who has been faithful to their faith and has received Jesus as their Savior.

On the other side, the unjust shall be judged and condemned. According to the Bible, everyone who rejects Jesus as their personal Savior will be separated from God and cast into the lake of fire. As a result, the just will be rescued while the unjust will be damned.


Jesus concluded by emphasizing that he would come back to judge the world and bring justice to his people. He also stated that he would not be arriving right away.

He always instructed his followers to be ready, even though he had no idea when these would happen.

Therefore, all Christians need to place their faith in Jesus and prepare for his second coming.

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