19 Awesome Holy Communion Prayer Points

Holy Communion Prayer Points (1)

Holy Communion is one of the most revered sacraments in Christianity, symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

This solemn ceremony is more than just a religious rite; it’s a spiritual experience that brings believers closer to God.

One way to deepen this connection is through focused prayer points. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 19 Holy Communion prayer points that can enrich your spiritual life.


The Spiritual Significance of Holy Communion

Holy Communion is deeply rooted in the Last Supper, where Jesus broke bread and shared wine with His disciples.

This act was not just symbolic but deeply spiritual, serving as a covenant between God and His people. The Bible emphasizes the importance of partaking in this spiritual meal, as it serves as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice and a means of grace for believers.

The spiritual significance of Holy Communion cannot be overstated. It’s a moment of intimate fellowship with God, where believers are spiritually nourished and strengthened.

It’s not just about eating bread and drinking wine; it’s about partaking in the divine nature of Christ.

The elements serve as a physical representation of spiritual truths, making Holy Communion a multi-dimensional experience that engages both the body and soul.

Holy Communion Prayer Points

Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist in various Christian traditions, is a sacred act commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples.

It’s a practice instituted by Christ Himself, and the prayers surrounding it are central to the experience, enriching the spiritual significance and impact of the sacrament.

Here are 19 Holy Communion prayer points to guide you:

Sanctification of the Elements

Praying for the sanctification of the bread and wine is to ask the Holy Spirit to set these elements apart from a common to a sacred use.

It is the invocation of God’s presence to bless and transform the elements into more than just bread and wine but into symbols of Jesus’ body and blood, which convey spiritual reality and grace to the believers who partake in faith.


This prayer is necessary because it acknowledges God’s power to transform and sanctify. It prepares the hearts of the participants to receive the elements not as mere food but as a means of grace and a holy encounter with the living Christ.

Remembrance of Christ’s Sacrifice

In this prayer, believers reflect on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, where His body was broken and His blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins. This remembrance is not simply a mental recall of past events but a spiritual participation in the mystery and merit of Jesus’ atoning work.


Remembering Christ’s sacrifice during Communion is essential because it connects the act of Communion with its foundational event—the crucifixion.

It ensures that the practice remains Christ-centered and infused with gratitude for the profound love demonstrated at Calvary.

Spiritual Nourishment

Just as physical food sustains the body, partaking of the Communion elements is a means of spiritual sustenance.

This prayer point acknowledges the believer’s dependence on Christ, the Bread of Life, for spiritual vitality and growth.


Spiritual nourishment is a necessary focus of Communion prayers because it highlights the sacrament’s role in the believer’s spiritual journey. It recognizes the Lord’s Supper as a source of divine life and sustenance for the soul.

Intimacy with Christ

Holy Communion is an intimate act where believers encounter Christ in a profound way. Praying for intimacy is asking to experience a closer fellowship with Jesus, to know Him more deeply, and to be united with Him in His death and resurrection.


Intimacy with Christ is necessary because it is the heart of the Christian faith. The Lord’s Supper is a communion with Christ by definition, and this prayer is for that communion to be a real and transformative experience, deepening the believer’s relationship with their Savior.

Healing and Deliverance

Many Christians believe in the healing power of Holy Communion, both physically and spiritually. The prayer for healing and deliverance invokes Christ’s redemptive work for wholeness in every area of life.


This prayer point is necessary as it brings to the forefront the comprehensive nature of Christ’s redemptive work, which includes not only forgiveness of sins but also healing and liberation from all forms of bondage. It expresses faith in God’s willingness and power to heal and deliver.

Unity in the Church

Praying for unity within the church recognizes that Communion is not only a personal engagement with Christ but also a collective experience that symbolizes the body of believers as one.

This prayer seeks to strengthen the bonds of fellowship, harmony, and love among Christians, mirroring the unity of the body of Christ, of which every believer is a part.


Unity is fundamental to the church’s witness and effectiveness in the world. Communion represents the gospel’s reconciling power not just between God and individual believers but also within the collective body of Christ. Thus, praying for unity is essential to fulfill the church’s calling and for Communion to be a true reflection of the gospel.


The prayer for forgiveness is an act of contrition and preparation, acknowledging that participants come to the Lord’s table as sinners in need of God’s mercy. It is a humble admission of wrongdoing and an appeal for cleansing, aligning the heart with the grace that Communion signifies.


Forgiveness is central to the Christian message and to the practice of Communion. It prepares the heart to receive the elements worthily and reminds believers of the forgiveness they have received through Christ, which they are also called to extend to others.

Wisdom and Understanding

This prayer seeks deeper insight into the mysteries of faith and God’s will. Communion is a time to seek divine wisdom and understanding, to grow in the knowledge of God, and to reflect on the significance of the sacrament in a believer’s life.


Wisdom and understanding are necessary to grasp the spiritual realities behind the symbols of bread and wine. They enable believers to discern the Lord’s body rightly and to live out the implications of the gospel in their daily lives.


Praying for protection during Communion is an acknowledgment of the spiritual battle that believers are engaged in.

The act of taking Communion can be seen as a reaffirmation of allegiance to Christ, which can also serve as a shield against spiritual attacks.


Spiritual protection is necessary because the forces of darkness are opposed to the light and life that Communion represents. This prayer reinforces the believer’s defense against these forces by the power of Christ’s victory on the cross.


Asking for God’s grace is an acknowledgment of the need for His continued favor and assistance in life. Communion is a channel of grace, where believers are reminded of God’s great love and mercy, which empowers them to live the Christian life.


Grace is the foundation of the Christian life, a gift that enables believers to grow in faith and holiness. As such, praying for grace during Communion is necessary to live out the transformation that the sacrament symbolizes.


Thanksgiving is an integral part of Holy Communion, as it is an occasion to express gratitude for the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ—His life, death, and resurrection.

This prayer of thanks acknowledges the immense love and grace bestowed upon believers and celebrates the redemption and life offered through Christ’s sacrifice.


Gratitude during Communion is essential because it shifts the focus from routine participation to heartfelt appreciation.

It reorients the believer’s heart towards God’s generosity and faithfulness, fostering a spirit of joyful thankfulness.


Praying for revival during Communion is asking for a reawakening of spiritual fervor and commitment. It’s a plea for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s power in one’s life, leading to renewed passion for God and His mission.


Communion is a time of reflection and reconnection with Christ, making it an ideal moment for seeking personal revival. Such prayers are necessary to keep faith vibrant and active, preventing spiritual stagnation.


Asking for God’s peace is seeking His presence to calm the turmoil within and around. In a world where anxiety and strife are rampant, this prayer requests that the tranquility of God’s kingdom reign in the hearts of believers.


The peace of God is a guard for the heart and mind, making it a critical aspect of spiritual well-being. During Communion, praying for peace is necessary to fortify the believer against the discord and distress of the world.


Joy is more than an emotion; it is a state of being rooted in the certainty of God’s goodness. The prayer for joy during Communion is an invitation for the Spirit’s refreshing, which sustains believers through all circumstances.


This prayer is essential because joy is a source of strength and resilience. It allows believers to transcend difficulties and maintain a hopeful outlook, buoyed by the joy of salvation and communion with Christ.


The command to love is central to Christian teaching, and Communion is a time to reaffirm this commitment.

Praying for love is asking to be filled with the selfless, sacrificial love of Christ, enabling believers to love God and others genuinely.


A prayer for love during Communion is necessary because love is the hallmark of the Christian faith. It is through love that believers are known as disciples of Christ, and it is love that motivates service, sacrifice, and unity.


Faith is the bedrock of a believer’s spiritual existence; it is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

In the act of Communion, as one meditates on the Word of God and the sacrifice of Christ, there is an opportunity to pray for an increase of faith.

This prayer acknowledges the believer’s dependence on God to strengthen their belief and trust in His promises.


Praying for faith is necessary because faith is essential to the Christian life. It is through faith that a believer receives and experiences God’s grace.

Communion, as a faith-filled act, provides the space for believers to grow in faith and confidence in God’s Word.


Hope is the confident expectation of God’s goodness and the fulfillment of His promises. During Communion, as believers remember Christ’s victory over death, they are reminded of the living hope they have in Him. Praying for hope is asking for a rekindling of this assurance, especially in the face of life’s uncertainties.


Renewed hope is necessary to sustain the believer’s spirit in the midst of trials and to keep their eyes fixed on the reality of God’s redemptive plan. Communion reminds believers of the ultimate hope of resurrection and eternal life, which is the anchor for the soul.


The Christian journey is not without its challenges and adversities. Praying for courage during Communion is seeking the strength to face these challenges with confidence, not in one’s own ability, but in God’s power. It is a prayer for boldness to live out the Christian faith and witness in a world that can be hostile to such convictions.


Courage is necessary because believers are called to live counterculturally and often face opposition. The remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice and victory gives believers the perspective and strength they need to be courageous.

Eternal Life

Eternal life is not just a future expectation but a present reality for believers. Communion is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet and the fellowship believers will enjoy in eternity. Praying for the assurance of eternal life is asking to live in the joy and peace of this promise here and now.


The assurance of eternal life is necessary for a believer’s security and perseverance. It provides comfort and motivation to live a life that honors God, knowing that this life is not the end but the beginning of an eternal communion with God.


How to Effectively Use These Prayer Points

Incorporating these effective Holy Communion prayer points into your ritual can be a transformative experience. Here are some tips:

Be Mindful: Be fully present during the ceremony. This is not the time to be distracted.

Pray with Conviction: Mean every word you say. God honors the prayers of the sincere.

Follow a Sequence: You can follow the order of the list or choose the points that resonate with you the most. Either way, be intentional.

Involve Others: If you’re partaking in Communion with others, consider praying together. There’s power in corporate prayer.


What is the Biblical basis for Holy Communion?

The concept of Holy Communion originates from the Last Supper, as described in the Gospels. Jesus Himself instituted it as a way to remember Him. It’s a Biblical command, not just a church tradition.

How can Holy Communion prayer points enhance my spiritual growth?

Focused prayer points can serve as a guide to help you connect more deeply with God during Holy Communion. They provide structure and depth to your prayers, making your experience more meaningful.

Can these prayer points be used outside of a church setting?

These prayer points can be used in personal devotion or in small group settings. They are versatile and adaptable, making them suitable for various contexts.


Holy Communion is a powerful spiritual practice that can deepen your relationship with God.

By incorporating these 19 Holy Communion prayer points, you can enhance your spiritual experience and draw closer to God.

We encourage you to try these prayer points in your next Communion service and experience the transformative power of focused prayer.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer or new to the faith, these prayer points offer something for everyone.

Additional Resources

For further reading, consider these resources:

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