How to repent of remarriage adultery

How to repent of remarriage adultery

Adultery is one of the gravest sins that can lead to divorce if it is not addressed. Many people want to repent of their adultery but don’t know where to start. However, this isn’t always the case; many tried people have had difficulties. This blog post aims to provide some pointers on repenting of remarriage adultery, and rekindling your connection with God.

Some people live their whole lives without repenting of remarriage or adultery. However, when they get to that point, they might find it hard to find the way forward. This is why we created this article. We want you to know how to repent of remarriage adultery and make your marriage better. As always, we’ll try to be short, powerful, and practical with each point mentioned below so that you can use the guide for your activities.

Is it a sin to remarry after adultery?

Today, many people live in open sexual sin; whether they are living together without marriage, living with another person’s wife, or divorcing and remarrying at will, it is time to ponder what the LORD has to say about this.

In Mark 6:17-18, we learn from secular history that Herod divorced his wife, and Herodias divorced her husband. John the Baptist didn’t simply say Herod shouldn’t have married Herodias; he claimed Herod shouldn’t have had her. This means that it is a sin to remarry after adultery.

The spiritual status of remarriage after adultery in the eyes of the Lord and the church has not changed. Jesus permits one to remarry when infidelity is involved; it is only a sin if the spouse who committed adultery remarries, but it is not a sin if the offended spouse remarries. Therefore, remarriage preceding a biblical divorce for adultery is permitted by Christ.

What does the Bible say about remarrying a former spouse?

As stated in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 and Jeremiah 3:1, the bible kicks against remarrying an ex-spouse if the ex-spouse moved on to marry another partner (husband/wife) on the notion that the second husband/wife has defiled the former spouse.

In 1 Corrinthians 7:10-11,

To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not separate from her husband (but if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and the husband should not divorce his wife

The Bible permits the remarriage of a former spouse for reconciliation in marriage.

How to repent of remarriage adultery

Remarriage adultery is considered a sin in the eyes of God. Since it is a sin, we are to repent to please God as Christians. So how do we repent of remarriage adultery?. First, you must take action if you want to repent of the sin of remarriage adultery.

Repentance is a change of heart, not an occurrence. However, it is proved in specific ways and consistently over a long period. Repenting to an adulterous relationship entails more than simply recognizing your mistake and apologizing. Humility, accountability, and responsibility will be used to demonstrate repentance.

  1. Confession will be the beginning of repentance after adultery

If you have cheated on your spouse, you must tell them immediately. In most cases, the deceived spouse is aware that something is wrong. For some time, they’ve sensed the distance or the irregular conduct.

You have created a false reality for your relationship by preserving your secrets. To have any serious chance of saving your marriage, you must confess.

You must confess because you will not be able to grow past your sin without it (James 5:16). So it would be best if you admitted, but how you confess is crucial.

Confessions are more than just declarations. You must explain to your spouse what you’ve done, with whom you’ve done it, when, how long it’s been going on, and how often it’s happened. But confession is more than that.

Confession is about revealing your innermost feelings, recognizing how you have betrayed them, and accepting full responsibility for your fault and any repercussions that may result. Confessions that rationalize, diminish, or defend themselves are not acceptable. It’s critical to consider how you confess your sins because the wrong form of confession might bring more harm than good.

2.  Repentance will also require accountability

After infidelity, your life must become an open book. You must consent to others having total access to your phone, email, internet activities, and schedule.

You must demolish and reveal your secret existence and grant others permission to invade that realm and track your travels. More secrecy will appear if you are unwilling to be accountable to others.

Your spouse will be the most visible “accountability partner,” You must grant them authority to check on you and ask you questions. However, they should not be your sole source of accountability.

3. Repentance through responsibility

If you want to repent, you must take full responsibility; your spouse shouldn’t have to urge you to be more involved, communicate what’s going on, or provide updates.

You should take charge of your development, marriage, and love communication. It will not convince them that you are interested in change if they have to wait on you, prompt you, or compel you into doing things to repair the marriage, display your repentance, or go to counseling.

If you want to create trust and communicate repentance, you must take the initiative to seek counseling and work hard.

Can a second marriage be blessed by God?

God designed marriage to honor himself and serve as the cornerstone for families and raising children. In many practical and spiritual ways, the partnership meets the physical and emotional needs of men, women, and children. Marriages do, however, end. Many individuals wonder if God will bless a second marriage because of this.

God could bless a second marriage if the first marriage of either of the spouse were dissolved on these biblical grounds.

  1. Marital infidelity (sexual unfaithfulness) by the spouse. The innocent person is free to divorce and marry again.
  2. A Christian’s non-believing partner abandons him. Christian divorcees are free to remarry.

The truth about divorce and remarriage

Remarriage after divorce is never mentioned in the Bible in a favorable or encouraging light. Scripture makes no distinction between a “biblical” divorce and a divorce that occurred before someone became a Christian regarding remarriage.

Paul understands that divorce may physically and lawfully end a marriage, but only the marriage connection and “one flesh union” are recognized by God’s law and conclude with death (Matthew 19:6, Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:10-11,39).

Herodias Was In Remarriage Adultery

Mk. 6:17, 18: “For Herod himself had ordered John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because he had married Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. ‘It is not permissible for you to take your brother’s wife,’ John had been telling Herod.”

Herodias was still referred to as “Philip’s wife” even though Herod had “married” her. That is why John claimed that having his brother’s wife was illegal.

In other words, both Herodias and Herod were guilty of remarriage and adultery. Therefore, even though Herod and Herodias were not Christians, God’s law applied to them regardless of whether they agreed with it or not. What John the Baptist stated demonstrates this.

Repentance and forgiveness

The grace of God is active at the point of repentance in circumstances where the divorce was granted on unbiblical grounds and the guilty partner later repents.

A sign of sincere repentance is a desire to put 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 into practice, which would include a readiness to seek reconciliation with their former spouse. However, reconciliation is not feasible because the former spouse is an unbeliever or has remarried. In that case, the forgiven believer may pursue another relationship with the help and guidance of church leadership.

Repentance and forgiveness are confessing to God that your prior divorce and remarriage were sins against Him and that you’re sorry. If you’re having trouble feeling God’s forgiveness, you might consider asking your current wife and some other brothers and sisters in Christ to be present with you when you confess these things.

Finding healing after heartbreak

It can be challenging to know where to turn when you are heartbroken. Dealing with the unpleasant facts that led to the heartbreak can be overwhelming, and it may seem as if things will never get better. Yet, in times like these, we understand that only God can provide true hope and healing and that His word is full of encouraging verses that can help us mend our broken hearts.

here are a few verses that will help us in finding healing after heartbreak

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18

God is closer than you think, and He can deliver you from despair while dealing with your shattered heart.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

God loves each of us individually and understands how a painful experience has injured our hearts. Therefore, God will provide just what you need to recover from your heartbreak.

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

Psalm 51:17

While repenting of his severe sins of adultery and murder, David prayed this. No hurt is too big for God to heal, and no situation is too dreadful for Him to overcome, whether or not you share any blame in the case that crushed your heart.

“Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are Mine.”

Isaiah 43:1 

You don’t have to bear your agony alone, and you won’t be abandoned while trying to recover. To be loved by God, you don’t have to be perfect. He speaks to you in sickness and health, addressing you by name. So allow God to lighten your load as you seek to repair your shattered heart. Remember that you are not alone as you heal from your broken heart.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

Reopening your heart after a significant emotional wound may seem impossible, but with God’s aid, it is doable. It will take a lot of courage to love again after a heartbreak, but God will help you heal emotionally. He will give you the strength to continue and progress. All you have to do now is put your faith in Him.


First, to repent of remarriage adultery, you must repent to God. Because He is a merciful God and loves us, He sent Jesus Christ to forgive those who confessed their sins and were genuinely sorry for them.

Remember, never give up. You’re not alone in your struggle to repent of this sin, and many people want to help you succeed.

God is ready and willing to forgive you, and He wants you to come back to Him. So take a deep breath, remember that He has forgiven you already, and start the steps of repentance today.

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