19 Bible Verses about Letting Go of Things You Can’t Control

Bible verses about letting go of things you can't control

When you’re in control, life seems more daunting and uncomfortable. Emotional turbulence increases when you try to dictate events as they unfold. Life is usually a pretty confusing place, but there is a way to live comfortably in the midst of it all.

Letting go of whatever you can’t control brings peace and helps those around you to feel that they are helped and not hindered by what you do.

Bible verses about letting go of things you can’t control

Not good at letting go? Not a problem. We’re going to look at nineteen Bible verses to help you with that.

Psalm 37:8 – Wrong decisions stem from negative emotions.

“Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble.”

Psalm 37:8

Psalm 37_8 - Wrong decisions stem from negative emotions

When you act based on your negative emotions, you might make the wrong decisions, so take your time to calm down before doing anything.

Worrying over anything will end up bringing negative thought or thought against other people’s progress, as believers we’re are stop worrying and look up to God for all possibilities.

As believers, anger sometimes leads to trouble. In the natural phenomenon when we get angry, there are words we say and things we do, which if we were okay or normal we wouldn’t have said or done. So this passage encourages believers to refrain from worries and anger leaving everything in God’s hand.


Ecclesiastes 7:9 – Grudges are pointless and exhausting.

“Keep your temper under control; it is foolish to harbor a grudge.”

Ecclesiastes 7:9

Ecclesiastes 7_9 - Grudges are pointless and exhausting

In a world full of problems and temptation, a lot of situations can make us react angrily and that’s perfectly normal to be angry at some point in life. But we shouldn’t hold grudges because it’s pointless and exhausting.

Holding grudges against people can make one look foolish at times because the deed has been, so what’s the essence of the grudges, rather we as believers should always look for a way to resolve the matter and move on.

We are to let go of certain things that might let us have grudges against others and not to let anger sit unresolved. Being angry is not a sin, in and of itself, but it can open us to sin if we don’t handle it in a spiritual way. As believers and God’s own blood, we are to flee from anger,

Proverbs 15:1 – Wrathful words pose no threat to the man or woman who is spiritually inclined.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1

Proverbs 15_1 - Wrathful words pose no threat to the man or woman who is spiritually inclined

There are things that can be done by someone who’s spiritual and not by someone who’s natural. The key is to be supernatural, or spiritual, rather than natural. The natural man cannot help but return evil for evil, but the spiritual man doesn’t trade that way.

For the spiritual man or the one who is in Christ, there is no need to trade evil for evil but rather return good for evil. Wrathful words pose no threat to the man or woman who is spiritually inclined, saved by grace, and walks by the Holy Spirit.

When someone who is angry confronts you, don’t fight with them. Try and talk to them calmly as it’ll help calm them down and make their anger go away.

If someone is angry with you, if they use wrathful towards you, the best thing is to refuse to return malice for malice, wrath for wrath, as believers we must learn to respond to negative talk calmly and wisely, for a gentle answer will remove all the fuel from the fire of anger.

A harsh word can cause them to become angry, even if they were not supposed to be angry.

Ephesians 4:26 – Anger leads to unwanted action.

“If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day.”

Ephasians 4:26

Ephesians 4_26 - Anger leads to unwanted action

Being angry towards certain actions of people is normal, but when we’re angry, we may do something we might regret later or act in a way that could hurt those around us. Wait until the anger dissipates before making a decision or taking action.

Being angry isn’t necessarily a sin, the scripture never stops us from being angry, because we are all human living in a world where people most time take advantage of others’ simplicity.

This passage is telling us believers that we should be careful of what we do or say while we are angry.  Sometimes anger might lead us to do what we would never have done.

Proverbs 14:17 – Be slow to anger.

“People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm.”

Proverbs 14:17

Proverbs 14_17 - Be slow to anger

A man or woman who is quick to anger will always end up involved in one problem or another, which is why the scripture encourages believers to always be quick to hear but slow to speak.

This is to tell Christians that there will be certain things they will hear, rumors or gossip from friends they never expected, but what will set them apart from them is silence and living everything to God.

Anger is a normal response to some situations, but it’s how you respond that makes you who you are. Believers are to show an example to others where ever they are, they should always know that people are watching their actions and what they do, so they need to rely on God’s word and act on it.

Ephesians 4:31 – Bitterness can poison us.

“Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort.”

Ephasians 4:31

Ephesians 4_31 - Bitterness can poison us

Bitterness is often the root of many emotional outbursts and is too often birthed by a smothering resentment against the injustice or unfairness of another or due to problematic circumstances.

Bitterness is a root that can morph into a number of other sinful attitudes and ungodly practices. It can smolder into deep-seated wrath or mushroom into explosive anger. It can be exhibited in slanderous speech, malicious gossip, or clamorous complaining.

As believers, when we allowed bitterness to take root in our hearts it can grow into a poisonous volcano that spews its toxic venom over all who pass by. 

We are instructed as believers to get rid of all bitterness and let go of things that can or will stare up rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. We are exhorted to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.


2 Timothy 2:23-25 – Learn to avoid pointless arguments.

“But keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know that they end up in quarrels. As the Lord’s servant, you must not quarrel. You must be kind toward all, a good and patient teacher, who is gentle as you correct your opponents, for it may be that God will give them the opportunity to repent and come to know the truth.”

2 Timothy 2:23-25

2 Timothy 2_23-25 - Learn to avoid pointless arguments

We must learn to avoid pointless arguments because, as we all know, the majority of problems people face today that turn into major catastrophes began as minor issues.

Arguments lead to escalating resentment and the utterance of inappropriate words. Therefore, as God’s children, we must learn to let go of unnecessary arguments.

Additionally, when we are surrounded by other people, we may pick up some of their mannerisms, including their unfavorable responses to circumstances.

We should stay away from people who pick fights over trivial matters and make pointless arguments into much bigger issues.

Proverbs 14:29 – We only have great power when we control our emotions.

“Those who control their anger have great understanding; those with a hasty temper will make mistakes.”

Proverbs 14:29

Proverbs 14_29 - We only have great power when we control our emotions

When someone is upset, they frequently push those around them away, say things that they shouldn’t have said at the time, and act in a way that everyone finds surprising.

When faced with a situation that makes you angry, decide to remain composed and reason with the other person as opposed to yelling at them.

We only have great power when we control our emotions and have patience, unlike those who let their anger take over. When we allow our anger to control us, we are bound to make a lot of mistakes that might not easily be corrected. So when facing such situations we must learn to keep silent and let go of them.

Romans 12:21 – We are to reject that instinct in its entirety.

“Don’t let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good.”

Romans 12:21

Romans 12_21 - We are to reject that instinct in its entirety

As Christians, we should never choose to take revenge. We Christians and those who have been set apart for a new purpose are not permitted to cause someone else the same kind of trouble or harm that they have caused us.

For their faith in Christ, we believers were probably suffering both physical harm and insults. The way of the world and our natural inclination as humans is to respond angrily to the wrongdoing we have experienced. We are to reject that instinct in its entirety.

Instead of repaying evil with evil or insult with insult, those in Christ “bless,” or give a blessing. A blessing is a positive statement. For a Christian, it’s a request that God would help another person to succeed in some way, that he or she would experience God’s favor.

As Christians, we are called to this work of giving blessings in exchange for evil and insults. That’s part of our purpose as God’s set-apart people on earth. This is a powerful tool for social change since only forgiveness can break the cycle of revenge.

James 1:19-20 – Keep your faith and trust God.

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

James 1:19-20

James 1_19-20 - Keep your faith and trust God

The problem that most people encounter today is a result of listening to side talks of people, one thing we need to understand is that most people do not just want peace and they’ll always do everything possible to make sure there’s a conflict between others.

Most side talks are always lies and some are true, but as believers, we must learn to always be silent even when we end up listening to the side talks and might know it’s true, we must learn to let go of some negative words people say about us because this sometimes always bring us serious and strong problems that might lead to one thing or another.

So as Christians we must keep our faith in God and trust that He will guide us in dealing with this situation. And should always try to react without anger because an angry person is prone to sinning and that goes against God’s word.

7 Bible Verses about Letting Go and Letting God Take Control

This section is going to be focusing on 7 Bible verses that are all about letting go and letting God work in your life. Letting go is a very hard thing to do, especially when we’re talking about our problems and how to fix them.

I believe that often times we think God’s not listening or doesn’t care because he doesn’t fix our problems for us. The truth is that He does care, and He does have a solution for you, but it often isn’t the one we expect or desire.

Proverbs 22:24

“Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered.”

Proverbs 22:24

As Christian believers, we must be cautious of the friends we associate with; there are some who can negatively influence us and give us a negative influence on society. This Bible verse expressly warns us to avoid friends who are short-tempered and easily irritated.

“Tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are,” according to the Bible. We can begin to act like people who have bad tempers when we associate with them. We must recognize that anger is not a sin in and of itself, but rather the actions that anger causes us to perform.

Colossians 3:8

“But now set aside these things, such as anger, rage, malice, slander, and obscene language.”

Colossians 3:8

Everyone feels anger, rage, and malice at different times and in different situations, but the Lord urges you to set them aside. Paul in this passage speaks against anger. Outbursts of uncontrolled anger are not meant to be found in the life of a Christian.

Being angry about something at some point is not wrong, but it can lead to many sins. We are to understand that wrath and anger are two different things and anger is an emotion, while wrath is an action without anger.

There will be no need for wrath, malice, slander, or obscene language toward another. As believers, God instructs us to do away with all this attitude which isn’t really good as Christians.

Second, Paul addresses wrath. In modern English, we often mingle the words “anger” and “wrath.” However, they are really two separate ideas. Anger is an emotion, wrath is an action. In this context, wrath suggests the idea of revenge, and is sometimes translated as “rage.”

In Romans 12:19, Paul taught that believers ought to leave their wrath to God and not seek revenge on their own terms.

Romans 12:19

“Don’t try to get revenge for yourselves, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. It is written, Revenge belongs to me; I will pay it back, says the Lord.”

Romans 12:19

What goes around comes around, but it is up to the Lord, not you, to ensure that justice is served. There is no situation in which a Christian should seek vengeance on another, no matter how heinous the deed was done to them or their loved ones.

As believers, they shouldn’t take God’s place in this matter. God is the only one who has the power to judge the wicked.

The flesh enjoys revenge, taking out our revenge on those who offend or did evil to us shows we are taking justice into our hands, we are to let go of things like revenge leaving it to God’s own hand to handle. God had promised us in this scripture that He will pay them back those who offend us for He is a God of justice.

1 Timothy 2:8

“Therefore, I want men to pray everywhere by lifting up hands that are holy, without anger or argument.”

1 Timothy 2:8

It is important to know that prayer is a communication between man and God, it is important and valid that man should pray. In some scriptures, God instructs believers to pray at all time and also tell them never to faint in the place of prayers.

We are called to pray anywhere and any place we find ourselves. God urges you to come to Him and to pray and leave your anger at the door. Paul is narrating to us in this passage, not to be in a state of anger or argument when we pray.

Certainly, our pleadings and petitions, prayers and thankful praise should not be from a heart that is harboring resentment or unforgiveness, anger or bitterness but from a heart that is holy and clean before the Lord, a heart that is gentle and gracious, a heart that is submissive before the Lord for God looks on the state of our heart.

Proverbs 12:16

“Fools reveal their anger right away, but the shrewd hide their contempt.”

Proverbs 12:16

Fools are quick to become enraged for no apparent reason, and they allow their rage to fester within them. Their rage is visible in their faces and audible in their speech. They demonstrate their folly by not controlling their emotions.

Wise men control their emotions and their reactions to any situation. Fools react without thinking; wise men consider their options before acting. Anger controls fools, but wise men control their anger.

Everyone experiences anger, but how you respond to that emotion reveals your character and who you are. We are to control our emotions and never allow them to control us. We must also let go of any uncontrollable situations that may cause us to become enraged.

Ephesians 6:4

“As for parents, don’t provoke your children to anger, but raise them with discipline and instruction about the Lord.”

Ephesians 6:4

Parents sometimes take actions that provoke their children, some of which involve parents brutally beating up their children. This action can make children angry and want to retaliate, so as parents, we must always let go of things our children do, and sometimes talking to them calmly is better than using Cain on them.

As a parent, it’s important to remember that your children are always learning from your example, so be cautious of how you display anger toward or around them. Most children are quick to keep bad memories and this may affect them when they grow.


Proverbs 16:29

“Violent people entice their neighbors and walk them down a path that isn’t good.”

Proverbs 16:29

As believers we know the kind of people we associate ourselves with, it is important to know that evil or violence from the beginning has never produced anything good rather it destroys.

Violence in this passage also refers to evil, violence certainly means the use of physical force to cause bodily harm, destroy property, or interfere with people’s freedom. The violence which leads to evil deeds also involves corrupting people’s morals and leading them to do something wrong.

Both kinds of violence are wrong. Persons capable of either kind should be avoided. The methods of such men should be explained, identified, and condemned. Those who seek to hurt others in any way are wicked and should be clearly marked as dangerous to men. We are to let go of such people in our lives, possibly in society at large.

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