Signs God is Working on Your Marriage – Is the marriage you’re in working for or against your faith?

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Marriage is a huge responsibility and most people don’t take it seriously until they find themselves in one. It’s not often that people think about signs God is working on your marriage, but there are signs to show if your marriage was ordained by him or not.

What signs does God use to show that he is working on your marriage? Some signs are subtle, while some signs are obvious. These signs can help you know if it’s time to give up on the marriage or not.

Marriage is a blessing from God. That’s why signs that God is working on your marriage are important to know if you want to be sure your marriage was put together by Him or not. Signs of the work of God in our lives are signs of His presence, and signs he wants us to be aware of him in this world.

This post will look at the signs God is working on your marriage and how you can know if he made this union for you or not.

Can God save my marriage?

It is important to note that God can save all marriages as an answer to our prayers that he will. But sometimes, signs of God’s work won’t be so clear cut and it may not appear He is working on your marriage at all. This can happen when a person does not have faith or trust in the Lord to save their union with another person.

Signs God is Working on Your Marriage.

I have listed some important signs that God is working on your marriage.

1. You feel more loved and appreciated

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Feeling more loved and appreciated in marriage is a sign that God put this marriage together. You can feel the presence of God in your life when you know he is working on your marriage and wants to bless it with his love and appreciation for what you do in keeping the household going.

God in the Bible says he will bless those who take care of their household. Having the signs God is working on your marriage shows this blessing and you know he wants to work in your life when things are going right for you and makes each day worth living.

The feeling that someone loves you unconditionally can be a sign from God but also having signs of his presence.

2. Your spouse is willing to do anything for you.

signs god is working on your marriage

Marriage according to the Bible is unconditional love. When signs God is working on your marriage that means he wants to bless you with his unending love and be there for you through anything no matter what happens in life.

Unconditional loving means among many things, to be willing to do anything for your spouse even when it means sacrificing yourself and putting their needs before yours.

Christ loved us unconditionally and sacrificed himself for us and Christian couples should show signs of unconditional love for each other.

This can be God is working on your marriage because when you are in a relationship with the Lord it should also translate into your relationships.

3. You have a sense of peace in your marriage.

Having peace in marriages these days is hard to come by due to the stress of work, children, and money issues.

God is working in your marriage when you can feel peace even when things are hard.

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Peace in marriages doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect but it means there is a sense of comfortableness no matter what happens or who says something nasty about you. for instance, If you are arguing with your spouse and it is getting out of hand but then all of a sudden both of you stop to pray about the situation, that’s God working on your marriage.

The signs that God is working in marriages can come at any time when someone prays for their spouse or listens when they talk instead of avoiding conversations

4. When your spouse wants the best for you.

You can tell that your spouse wants the best for you, even if they don’t always know how to show it if they are trying to help you with your goals. Your spouse doesn’t have to always be excited about the changes for it to count, but just know when God is involved someone will try their best even when it’s not what they want.

God wants the best for you, therefore He will help your spouse and you to make decisions.

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In the Bible, Boaz wanted the best for Ruth so much that he married her right from the fields. Ruth’s husband died suddenly, and she had nowhere to go. Boaz wanted the best for her by marrying her because he knew it was God working in his life (Ruth chapter three).

Help your spouse succeed with their goals and dreams if you can!

5. Your spouse’s actions match their words.

Do your spouse’s actions match their words when they say “I love you” or “I’m sorry”  When your spouse’s actions match their words.

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When they care about what you have to say and work with you. When the two of you are in sync, there is less conflict.

6. You feel closer to your spouse.

Couples feel closer to each other when their spouse is showing signs of affection, you might want to show signs of affection too and make the relationship even stronger!

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This is God’s plan for marriage that it be a permanent, faithful, and fruitful union. The Bible in Genesis 2:24 says that a man will leave his parents and be united to his wife, that they become one flesh. The Bible in Matthew 19:19 says love your spouse as Christ loved the Church (and gave himself for it).

Leaving your family means becoming closer to your spouse.

7. Your relationship feels healthier than it has in the past few years.

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Being in a healthy marriage is one goal that should be a priority for both of you. This means that the relationship might become stronger and healthier than it ever has been before! You can see signs of this happening in yourself too, make sure to take advantage of these signs by making your spouse feel loved even more!

These signs from God could be signs he is working on your marriage.

8. Your spouse is more attentive to you.

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When you are spending less time with friends, coworkers, or family members who don’t have a positive influence on your marriage and instead are spending more time with your spouse, this could be a sign that God is working on your marriage.

It’s not fair to compare spouses but you can see signs of improvement in the way they treat you and make an effort to spend time with them!

9. Your spouse’s attitude toward life becomes more positive and optimistic.

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Being optimistic in marriage is important to health it.

How many times do we feel so much resentment towards our spouse because something is not going right and they are acting like everything is fine?

If you’re feeling this way, It is God’s will to remove any negativity from your relationship.

10. The Ability to Forgive of Past Mistakes.

A person can forgive themselves for past mistakes that they or their spouse have made to have a better marriage.

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It is so important to have a strong foundation of trust, forgiveness, and love.

Forgiveness has the power to remove resentment from your marriage that could be holding it back tremendously!

11. A Frequent and Consistent Prayers for Your Spouse.

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You find yourself praying more for your mate than before marriage or recent times can be a sign of signs God is working on your marriage.

Praying more for our spouses or significant others makes marriage easier and brings signs of hope.

12. A Decrease in the Number of Arguments Between You and Your Spouse.

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If your relationship has significantly fewer arguments than before, this could mean signs God is working on your marriage!

Every couple argues at some point or another but if you are arguing far less frequently then there may be

13. A New Found Trust and Faith in Each Other’s Actions, Beliefs, and Opinions.

You may notice that you have more trust or faith in each other’s actions with one another the signs God is working on your marriage could be apparent to you as well

Actions and beliefs such as keeping a tidy house, going to church with one another on Sunday, or merely having different opinions about politics.

Final Thoughts.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. It should be nurtured and cared for with the utmost love, patience, understanding, and prayer. If you’re looking to read more about how God can work on your marriage this year

When it comes to Christian marriage, there are many ways that God can work on your relationship. If you’re feeling discouraged or unfulfilled in your current situation, don’t give up hope! There’s always a way to improve and grow closer together as long as both people are willing to put their faith into action. To get started, take some time out of each day for prayer and praise with the spouse who is not currently praying.

The conclusion of that article offers some great resources where you can learn more about what it means to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ; which will inevitably lead to intimacy within your marriage as well!

Don’t forget that one important way we grow in faith together is by reading through scripture together. Seek guidance from the Bible frequently so that both you and your spouse are growing closer to each other spiritually.

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