29 Powerful Prayer Points During Fasting With Scriptures

Prayer Points During Fasting With Scriptures

Fasting, a spiritual discipline often accompanied by prayer, has been practiced for centuries across various religious traditions.

In the Christian faith, fasting and prayer are often intertwined, serving as a dual pathway to spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God.

This article delves into 29 prayer points that can be utilized during periods of fasting, each supported by relevant scriptures.

Prayer Points During Fasting with Scriptures

Fasting is not merely an act of self-deprivation but a spiritual discipline for seeking a more intimate relationship with God.

As you embark on this journey of fasting, it is crucial to arm yourself with fervent prayers. Here are prayer points, each buttressed by a pertinent scripture, to guide you through this spiritual exercise.

Prayer Point 1: Spiritual Cleansing

Scripture: Isaiah 1:16-17

“Lord, as I fast, cleanse me from all unrighteousness and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Fasting serves as a conduit for spiritual cleansing. It’s a time to purge oneself of sins and impurities, making room for the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Cleansing

Prayer Point 2: Divine Guidance

Scripture: Psalm 32:8

“Heavenly Father, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are my God and Savior.”

During fasting, your spiritual senses are heightened. This is an opportune time to seek divine guidance in decisions and challenges.

Divine Guidance

Prayer Point 3: Strength and Endurance

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31

“Father, renew my strength as I wait upon you during this fasting period.”

Fasting can be physically and spiritually draining. This prayer point focuses on asking God for the strength to endure.

Strength and Endurance

Prayer Point 4: Wisdom and Understanding

Scripture: James 1:5

“Lord, grant me wisdom and understanding as I seek your face.”

Wisdom is a divine endowment that can be sought after during fasting. This prayer point is a plea for wisdom and understanding in all facets of life.

Wisdom and Understanding

Prayer Point 5: Financial Breakthrough

Scripture: Philippians 4:19

“God, provide for all my needs according to your riches in glory.”

Fasting is not just a spiritual exercise; it can also be a time to seek divine intervention for financial breakthroughs.

Financial Breakthrough

Prayer Point 6: Healing

Scripture: Jeremiah 17:14

“Father, heal me and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved.”

Physical and emotional healing are often sought after during fasting. This prayer point is a petition for holistic healing.

Prayer Point 7: Protection

Scripture: Psalm 91:1-2

“Lord, be my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.”

In a world rife with dangers, this prayer point serves as a plea for divine protection.

Prayer Point 8: Family and Relationships

Scripture: Colossians 3:13

“God, help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me, and bless my family and relationships.”

Fasting can also be a time to pray for your family and relationships, asking God to mend broken bonds and fortify strong ones.

Prayer Point 9: Ministry and Calling

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Father, make me steadfast and immovable in my ministry and calling.”

For those in ministry or contemplating a divine calling, this prayer point is a plea for steadfastness and divine direction.

Prayer Point 10: Peace of Mind

Scripture: Philippians 4:7

“Lord, grant me peace that surpasses all understanding.”

In a chaotic world, peace of mind is a priceless commodity that can be sought during fasting.

Prayer Point 11: Joy and Happiness

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

“Father, fill me with the joy of the Lord, which is my strength.”

In a world often filled with sorrow and turmoil, this prayer point is a plea for divine joy and happiness to permeate your life.

Prayer Point 12: Deliverance from Enemies

Scripture: Psalm 31:15

“Lord, deliver me from the hands of my enemies and those who pursue me.”

This prayer point is a cry for divine intervention against forces that seek to harm or derail you.

Prayer Point 13: Fruitfulness and Productivity

Scripture: John 15:5

“Heavenly Father, make me fruitful in every good work as I abide in you.”

Fruitfulness and productivity in all areas—be it personal, professional, or spiritual—are the focus of this prayer point.

Prayer Point 14: Emotional Stability

Scripture: Isaiah 26:3

“God, keep my mind stayed on you and grant me emotional stability.”

Emotional ups and downs can be draining. This prayer point is a request for emotional equilibrium and peace.

Prayer Point 15: Spiritual Growth

Scripture: Ephesians 4:15

“Lord, help me to grow in all aspects into Him who is the head, Christ.”

Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. This prayer point is a petition for continuous growth in your walk with God.

Prayer Point 16: Love and Compassion

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:14

“Father, let all that I do be done in love.”

In a world that often seems devoid of genuine love and compassion, this prayer point is a plea to be filled with divine love.

Prayer Point 17: Self-Control

Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23

“God, produce the fruit of the Spirit in me, especially self-control.”

Self-control is a vital attribute in both spiritual and secular settings. This prayer point focuses on asking God for the grace to exercise restraint and control.

Prayer Point 18: Divine Favor

Scripture: Psalm 5:12

“Lord, surround me with your favor as with a shield.”

Everyone needs a favor in different aspects of life. This prayer point is a request for God’s favor in all your endeavors.

Prayer Point 19: Eternal Life

Scripture: John 3:16

“Father, grant me the assurance of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.”

The ultimate goal of every Christian’s journey is eternal life. This prayer point is a plea for the assurance of this eternal inheritance.

Prayer Point 20: Purity of Heart

Scriptural Backing: Psalm 51:10 – “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

“Lord, as I fast, create a clean heart within me. Cast away all impurities and renew my spirit, that I may serve You in truth.”

This prayer seeks divine assistance in cleansing one’s heart of impurities and maintaining a spirit unwavering in faith, especially during the self-reflective time of fasting.

Prayer Point 21: Wisdom and Guidance

Scriptural Backing: James 1:5 – “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

“Heavenly Father, grant me Your wisdom as I seek Your face. Guide my decisions and light my path with Your truth.

Fasting is often a time of decision-making; this prayer asks for God’s generous wisdom to guide thoughts and actions according to His will.


Prayer Point 22: Strength and Endurance

Scriptural Backing: Isaiah 40:31 – “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Almighty God, renew my strength as I wait upon You. Let me soar like an eagle and not grow weary as I fast in Your honor.”

Fasting can be physically and spiritually taxing; this prayer is about seeking divine energy to persevere and not grow weary in the pursuit of spiritual goals.

Prayer Point 23: Humility

Scriptural Backing: James 4:10 – “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

“O Lord, I humble myself before You. As I fast, lift me in Your time and teach me the grace of humility.”

This point emphasizes the importance of humility during fasting, a time to lower oneself before God to be exalted according to His timing.

Prayer Point 24: Protection

Scriptural Backing: 2 Thessalonians 3:3 – “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.”

“Protect me, Lord, as I draw closer to You. Keep me safe from temptation and the evil one.”

In a state of fasting, one may feel more vulnerable to external and internal adversities; this prayer seeks God’s faithful protection against all forms of evil.

Prayer Point 25: Healing

Scriptural Backing: Jeremiah 17:14 – “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”

“Heal me, O Lord, in body, mind, and spirit. As I fast, may I find my salvation and praise in Your healing presence.”

This prayer acknowledges God as the ultimate healer, seeking restoration not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually during the fast.

Prayer Point 26: Deliverance from Evil

Scriptural Backing: Matthew 6:13 – “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

“God, deliver me from evil as I commit to this fast. Lead me not into temptation, and keep my spirit inclined to Your will.”

While fasting, praying for deliverance is crucial to overcoming temptations and the influence of negativity that can distract from spiritual growth.

Prayer Point 27: Revelation and Insight

Scriptural Backing: Ephesians 1:17 – “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”

“Divine Father, as I fast, open the eyes of my heart. Gift me with the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know You more deeply.”

Fasting often brings clarity; this prayer asks for divine revelation that leads to a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and divine mysteries.

Prayer Point 28: Gratitude and Contentment

Scriptural Backing: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

“In my fasting, I thank You, Lord, for all circumstances. Cultivate in me a spirit of gratitude and contentment for Your glory.”

Fasting can be a reminder of one’s blessings. This prayer encourages a heart of gratitude and contentment in all circumstances, recognizing them as God’s will.

Prayer Point 29: Spiritual Revival

Scriptural Backing: Psalm 85:6 – “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”

“Revive me, O God. Let this time of fasting be a spring of rejoicing in You, renewing my soul and the souls of Your people.

This prayer is a plea for a personal or communal spiritual awakening, seeking a renewed joy and passion for God, which fasting can often inspire.


FAQs Related To Prayer Points During Fasting With Scriptures

1. Can I Fast Without Prayer?

Fasting without prayer is like a ship without a sail. It’s the prayer that gives direction and purpose to your fasting.

2. How Long Should I Fast?

The duration of your fast is a personal decision between you and God. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional if you plan to fast for an extended period.

3. Can I Drink Water During Fasting?

Different types of fasts have different guidelines. While some fasts allow for the consumption of water, others do not. It’s crucial to decide the nature of your fast beforehand.


Fasting is a potent spiritual discipline that, when coupled with prayer, can yield transformative results. These 19 prayer points serve as a comprehensive guide for anyone embarking on a fasting journey. Each prayer point is supported by scripture, providing a biblical foundation for your spiritual exercise.

May your time of fasting be a spiritually enriching experience, drawing you closer to God and unlocking divine blessings in your life. Amen.

This article aims to serve as a spiritual roadmap for your fasting journey, providing you with the scriptural backing needed to fortify your prayers. May it enrich your spiritual life and draw you closer to God. Amen.

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