33 Bible verses for depression and loneliness

Bible verses for depression and loneliness

If you are experiencing depression and loneliness, you are not alone. Many people suffer from these conditions and need the assistance of a professional therapist. However, finding the right mental health counselor may be difficult; why not use Bible verses as a guide when choosing one?

Bible verses for depression and loneliness

There are numerous different Biblical verses of encouragement to read that may help you when feeling discouraged, worthless, and alone. Below are 33 scripture verses I have selected to encourage those who are suffering from depression or loneliness.

Psalm 34:17-18 – God delights in assisting us in knowing Him.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:17-18 (ESV)

Psalm 34_17-18 - God delights in assisting us in knowing Him

Brokenheartedness can be so intense because we no longer have what we once had or what we believed we should have. When we reach this point, our need for something bigger than ourselves becomes more apparent.

Our enemies keep us from deeply knowing God’s love and receiving the courage we require to move forward when life is difficult. Instead, God delights in assisting us in knowing Him and His presence with us, especially when life is difficult.

Psalm 34:18 reminds us that God is not only with us, but also close by. He is not surprised or discouraged, no matter how deep the rift feels. God gives us the strength to breathe again.

2 Corinthians 7:6 – We have a “God who comforts the downcast.”

But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus,

2 Corinthians 7:6 (ESV)

2 Corinthians 7_6 - We have a _God who comforts the downcast

As Christians, we understand that we are not the happy people that the stereotype suggests. We also get agitated, anxious, and depressed, but what distinguishes Christians is that we have a “God who comforts the downcast.”

The God who comforts the downcast comforted Paul by sending his friend. This means that God is the source of comfort, and God’s people are the means to that end. God comforts his people by removing every hindrance to their perpetual joy in him, and He often does it through relationships and friendships.

Regardless of how bleak things appear, God always seems to raise up people who are instruments “for noble purposes… useful to the Master and ready to do any good work.” So don’t give up hope, the comforter is thinking of you.

Isaiah 41:10 – Don’t be discouraged because God is with you.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

Isaiah 41_10 - Don't be discouraged because God is with you

You feel as if you can’t hold on to God in your depression. Like you’re helpless and can’t do anything. Sometimes you just can’t get out of bed.

Don’t be discouraged because God is with you; he will NEVER abandon or forsake you because you are in Christ. You are his child, and God is going ahead of you, clearing the way, just like a father clearing a path through the woods for his small child.

Excellent news! You don’t have to cling to God because he clings to you. When you fall, he will catch you with his right hand. He will strengthen you when you are weak. Be confident that God’s grace is sufficient for you, even in these trying times.

1 Peter 5:7 – God himself is concerned about you.

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 (ESV)

1 Peter 5_7 - God himself is concerned about you

We are all faced with difficulties, tests, and, at times, persecution and suffering. All of these things cause stress. We fret, we worry, and we forget to trust God. We must develop the ability to resist the grip of anxiety and fear. Instead, we agree to cast our anxieties on God in prayer.

You are not required to keep your worries. God himself is concerned about your well-being. God desires that you be whole and healthy. God is aware of your anguish and sadness. God paid the penalty for your sins and freed you from condemnation.

God himself is concerned about you! Because he genuinely cares about us. Allow him to bear your concerns, as he is deeply concerned and interested in everything you face.

Matthew 11:28 – He understands the loneliness of depression.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (ESV)

Matthew 11_28 - He understands the loneliness of depression

There is nothing we can bring to Christ that He has not personally experienced. Not only did He pay an infinite price for all the wrongs and injustices on Earth, but He also gained infinite empathy for each of us.

He understands the loneliness of depression. He understands the feelings of complete hopelessness that can accompany some mental illnesses. There is no burden, sorrow, or suffering that He does not fully comprehend.

Christ calls us who labor and are heavy laden to come unto Him, and if we do so because we understand that His meekness and lowliness of heart brought about the atonement, take His yoke upon us and learn of Him, then the promise is very clear: And we shall find rest unto our souls.

Jeremiah 29:11 – The same God who raised Jesus from the dead will raise you as well.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Jeremiah 29_11 - The same God who raised Jesus from the dead will raise you as well

God has a plan in Christ for you. That plan isn’t for your demise, but for your good. You are being conformed to the image of Christ by sharing in his suffering, and your ultimate goal is to be victorious, a joint heir with the King (Rom. 8:12–39).

Our plans might collapse, and dreams could be dashed. Your life could be taken away from you. However, the same God who raised Jesus from the dead will raise you as well.

How do you know? You can know it the way the exiles of old did: by the Word of God, his oath, and his covenant.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Don’t rely on your own understanding.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

Proverbs 3_5-6 - Don't rely on your own understanding

You were created by God. He adores you. He understands you better than you understand yourself. Because he is all-knowing, he can see what lies ahead, and as a result, he knows what we require to fully be the people he created us to be.

As a result, he understands what needs to happen and where we need to go in order to receive the blessings he desires to bestow upon us.

Jesus is telling us that when we rely on our own understanding rather than His, we cause ourselves unnecessary worry and struggle. He promises (and Jesus never breaks a promise) that if we lean on God by putting Him first, He will take care of everything else.


Psalm 143:7-8 – It’s okay to not be okay.

Answer me quickly, O Lord! My spirit fails! Hide not your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Psalm 143:7-8 (ESV)

Psalm 143_7-8 - It's okay to not be okay

Feeling overwhelmed, abandoned, disappointed, depressed, exhausted, or surrounded is not a sin. It’s OKAY to be NOT OKAY. Remember what Jesus said. He came to teach and to die for us, but he also healed everyone he met.

His priority for healing was always spiritual, but he repeatedly demonstrated that he has the power to heal any illness/ailment, including death itself.

Take God with you when you are struggling with your emotional/mental health. He adores you. He provides healing, purpose, grace, and mercy.

Psalm 30:5 – Grief, sadness, loneliness, mourning, and anger are all temporary.

For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

Psalm 30:5 (ESV)

Psalm 30_5 - Grief, sadness, loneliness, mourning, and anger are all temporary

The length of our night is determined by how long we allow darkness to remain in our lives and how long we allow God’s face to be turned away from us as a result of sin and wickedness in our lives.

Grief, sadness, loneliness, mourning, and anger are all temporary. But joy, peace, and gladness are eternal. On Earth, we all go through ups and downs. The enemy attacks us throughout our lives. But this life is only a sliver of eternity.

When you are suffering, remember that God will carry you through it. Your Redeemer will deliver you. Your Comforter will provide you with peace that the world cannot comprehend. And He will use your suffering to make you more like Him.

Philippians 4:6-7 – Nothing is beyond his control or concern.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

Philippians 4_6-7 - Nothing is beyond his control or concern

What should we be worried about? Nothing. In what situations should we pray? Every circumstance. God is seated on his throne. His kingdom is eternal.

Nothing is beyond his control or concern. Being grateful allows us to experience joy and peace rather than fear and anxiety.

When we do so, God moves heaven and earth and grants us peace, which eliminates our depression.

Proverbs 12:25 – No temptation is greater than you.

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

Proverbs 12:25 (ESV)

How often do we need to comfort our depressed friends? How often could words of grace be part of God’s remedy in the restoration of another person’s joy?

The Bible teaches us that the Lord God will never allow temptations into our lives that are too great for us to bear. The true source of peace is God’s Word, and the truest way to deal with a problem is prayer.

Consider this a kind word for you if you are worried. If you know someone who is worried, be a source of comfort to them, and you will do much good in Jesus’ name.

Bible Verses for When I’m Lonely

Bible verses for when i’m lonely are nice to send to someone you care about. They can show that you’re thinking about them and sending your love. If they are really feeling sad or lonely, then a Bible verse for when i’m lonely is the best gift they could ever receive.

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4 (ESV)

God is always with you, even when you feel alone. He is constantly thinking about you. When you’re lonely, don’t give up on him. Don’t throw away all of your relationships because a few have failed.

You will feel sorry for yourself and become discouraged if you do so. Use this “alone time” to learn about God’s faithfulness. You can rely on His guidance to get you out of that dark valley.

You will feel compelled to reach out to others as you progress, even if you have been abandoned. Getting involved with others shifts the focus away from your lonely feelings and onto the well-being of others.

Put yourself in situations where you can meet and learn about new people. The church is an excellent place to begin.

Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3 (ESV)

Lean on God and allow Him to complete the healing of your broken heart. God loves you and will comfort you during your trials, then place you in a position where you can use your enduring strength to comfort others.

God promises to be with you and to help you get through this difficult time of loss, disappointment, and loneliness.

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

Joshua 1:9 demonstrates that God is our strength even when we face adversity. When our hearts are filled with fear, His word brings us peace and a new perspective.

When we require healing for our bodies, minds, or spirits, God’s word provides solutions to our problems. Rest and read God’s word, knowing that it will speak to your current situation.

When we face giants in our lives or find ourselves wandering in our own wilderness, it can feel as if God is far away. Joshua had to be thinking the same thing. Nonetheless, God encouraged Him to be strong, not in his own strength, but in the strength of the Lord.

He promised Joshua that He would be with him no matter what happened. God is ready and willing to speak those same words over us today, even when we feel alone and afraid.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

We are all confronted with terrifying situations. So, how should we react to God’s promise, “Fear not, for I am with you?” Can we truly take Isaiah 41:10 to heart today and experience freedom as a result of God’s presence?

God is aware of our fearful nature. And He is concerned about every fear we experience; God does not want us to be consumed by fear. Nonetheless, our concerns do not surprise him in the least.

When we are afraid, we must remember that God is not disappointed in us. God encourages us not to be afraid so that we can trust in His presence and know He is listening and working for us.

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 (ESV)

This is a promise for those who believe. True believers are those who are living for Christ. Not those who claim to believe in God but live like the devil.

This verse says to those who love God and do their best to obey his commands, “Even though bad and sad things will touch your life, I (God) will use them to ultimately bring about good, both in your life and in the world.”

When we cannot understand why trials occur and find it difficult to believe that anything good can come from them, we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control.

Matthew 19:26

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26 (ESV)

Impossibilities come in all shapes, sizes, and intensities. It could be a medical condition that saps your joy, a financial crisis that threatens your peace, or a failing relationship that you can’t rebuild. It’s depressing and overwhelming.

God delights in doing what appears to be impossible and impossible for men to accomplish. Are you dealing with any seemingly impossible situations?

Keep in mind that you serve the God of the Impossible. He is the all-powerful and sovereign Lord. So, instead of listening to what others say, believe in Jesus. With Him, anything is possible.

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (ESV)

Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed by the things of this world in your life? Where life seemed so difficult, and no matter what you did, nothing seemed to go right? Jesus invites us to come.

God desires you so much that He died on the Cross to demonstrate His desire for you. Jesus did not have to come to this earth and die, but God’s love is so great, and He cared so deeply about us, that He chose to come.

He offers us relief from our heavy burdens because He loves us.

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5 (ESV)

In a world where people are constantly leaving, whether in a family, a relationship, or death, God’s promise of never leaving is encouraging.

Rather than putting their faith in riches or material goods, which will ultimately fail, believers should put their faith in God, who promises, “I will never leave you nor abandon you”.

Riches and other resources can vanish in an instant, but the Lord is always with His children. As a result, one’s faith and trust should be placed solely in Him.

John 16:33  

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (ESV)

We face trials in this life such as illness, tragedy, loneliness, and depression. The life that God has called us to is wonderful because Jesus has overcome the world.

Jesus promises peace. We will live a life of joy and peace in God’s presence if we trust him and walk faithfully in our lives through what God has for us, being thankful (1 Thes 5:18) for every little blessing.

Psalm 27:10

For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.

Psalm 27:10 (ESV)

God’s love is stronger and more certain than that of a father or mother because he will never abandon his people.

Though every other tie that binds heart to heart may dissolve, this will remain; and while we may not be certain of the love that naturally springs from the most tender earthly relationships, we can always confide in His love. See Isaiah 49:

Isaiah 26:3

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)

When you surrender everything to the Lord Jesus Christ; when you do as the Bible says, “Cast your burden on the Lord” (Psalm 55:22), whatever your circumstances; whatever your problem, God will fill your heart with perfect peace, allowing you to easily overcome the problem.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose thoughts are fixed on You because he believes in You” (Isaiah 26:3).

According to the Bible, “He (God) said, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9). As a result, God can easily move your life’s mountains.

When you receive the Holy Spirit’s anointing, God will move mountains and set you free from all your problems. Yes, when perfection arrives, the imperfection vanishes (1 Corinthians 13:10).

Bible Verses to Read When Sad and Lonely

It is quite common for people to feel sad and lonely at some point in their lives. However, there are many different ways that you can come to terms with your feelings and emotions. For instance, you could try using some Bible verses when you start feeling sad and lonely.

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit

.Psalm 34:18 (ESV)

If your heart is broken, God will be right there with you; if you’ve been kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath. When we’ve had everything knocked out of us and are exhausted, He has what we need to take that first step of getting back up.

God sees and understands the impact of a tired and worn soul. When we can’t find the words to express ourselves to God, we can turn to this Psalm. God’s presence with us in our messiness brings us great comfort.

John 14:1

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

John 14:1 (ESV)

When we are in trouble, we may think that if Jesus were here with us in person, we could talk face-to-face and get through it. We are tempted to believe that if He were visible and in the flesh, we would be able to trust Him more.

When these thoughts arise, we must allow our hearts to be soothed by two key facts: We are children of the King because Jesus has done everything that needs to be done for us to be welcomed into the Father’s house, and the Holy Spirit lives in us to help us if we will yield ourselves to His leading.

We can keep our hearts from being troubled when we rest in the salvation that Jesus provided and rely on the Holy Spirit to help us navigate the dangerous world around us.

Psalm 55:22

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

Psalm 55:22 (ESV)

When the world becomes darker, the pressures of life become more intense, and relationships become strained, it is not time to stop praying; rather, it is time to intensify it.

Many of us need to be steadfast and still at this time when the enemy appears to be attacking our lives from all sides.

We must not be afraid. Remember, the Lord is with you. We will see God’s salvation if we are patient and wait on the Lord for victory.

Jeremiah 29:11  

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

Believers in Christ can have faith that everything will work out for their good and that God has a future planned for them. We have been given promises on which to rely, just as Israel was.

The promise of Jeremiah 29:11 applies only to those who are in Christ. Perhaps it could even be extended as part of the invitation to receive Christ: “If you come to Him, He promises you a future and hope!”

There is no future or hope apart from Christ, the only Savior.

Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 18:2 (ESV)

The Lord is a refuge from life’s storms and a fortress against the enemy, who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking to sift the lone pilgrim as wheat and to cast him into the miry depths of deep despair.

As a result, the Lord becomes our Deliverer from our enemies and our Strength in times of trouble as the Rock on which we stand and the Fortress in which we seek refuge. He is our heavenly Shield against principalities and powers.

He is our shield against those who would harm us. In times of need, He is our Provider, and in times of sadness, He is our Joy.

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 (ESV)

God not only calls us to be bold for Christ and his kingdom, but he also provides a way for us to overcome our fear and anxiety.

God desires to be a burden bearer because it demonstrates his power and places him in a class himself among the so-called gods of the universe.

“No one has seen a God besides thee who works for those who wait for him,” so throw your worries on him. He wishes to carry it.

Make your request known to God in prayer. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

James 5:13

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.

James 5:13 (ESV)

There are times when even songs of lament are too painful. When Paul and Silas were arrested in Philippi for the sake of Christ, they were singing in prison, singing to God. Why? Because they needed to feel God’s closeness, goodness, and greatness. God was their source of strength.

And they got to experience it through singing. The greatest song will always be one born of pain. We will never forget the cost Jesus paid so that forgiven sinners could sing forever. So take heart.

Though suffering sometimes stops us from singing, our most common experience in this world is that singing sustains us in our suffering. And if the slain Christ is your song, then the day is coming when suffering will cease, and singing will follow the end of suffering forever.

John 15:7

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 15:7 (ESV)

If you want God to respond to your interests, you must devote yourself to his interests. God is God. Prayer is not for satisfying our natural desires.

It is for satisfying our desires when they have been so purified and saturated with God that they coincide with his plans.

If we want to have power and effect in our prayers, we must devote ourselves to aligning our desires with the fruit that God intends to produce through us.

When the word of God abides in us, we are cleansed and made holy. And that means: in accordance with God’s fruit-bearing purposes.

1 Peter 5:10

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

1 Peter 5:10 (ESV)

For a Christian, no suffering will last forever. Peter is writing to Christians who have been subjected to severe persecution. He comforts them by explaining that their suffering is not in vain and is intended to produce spiritual fruit as a “refining fire.”

John 14:18

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

John 14:18 (ESV)

At times, we all feel abandoned. When health problems, job losses, financial crises, and relationship issues overwhelm, it’s natural to wonder why God doesn’t just swoop in and fix everything.

We are not the first people to feel sad and uncertain. The Lord will guide and protect us, just as He did our parents and their parents.

He is a source of comfort, assistance, and friendship. Most importantly, He is Father. We are not orphans because we have been adopted into God’s family.

Psalm 48:14

That this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.

Psalm 48:14 (ESV)

The psalmist praises the great God of Israel for his loving kindness. He loves and forgives sinners. Because we are right with Him, He will cleanse us of all sin and give us new bodies in a new heaven and earth.
He is our God, our portion, and he has adopted us as his people. He will be our guide through all of life’s snares and difficulties; even unto death, He will never abandon us; and we, by his grace, will never abandon him.
He is the God we require: infinite in mercy, goodness, and truth. He is our Father, and we are His sons and daughters, even unto death.


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