8 Female Bible characters who overcame obstacles

Female Bible characters who overcame obstacles

Whenever someone feels down, they look for a motivational quote or inspiration. The Bible is one way to lift your spirit when you’re down. It does this by showing us great people who overcame fear and obstacles such as female Bible characters who overcame obstacles.

Our emphasis, this time, would be on female characters who overcame obstacles. These female characters face obstacles at some point in life since it’s a component of life.

Yet, despite how weighed down they felt due to their dread, they remained strong enough to push through and emerge transformation as a result.

The Female characters mentioned in this piece could have existed in civilizations and eras far distinct from ours, yet their experiences can offer us a shocking number. Through their experiences, these female characters teach us things.

Top 8 Female Bible characters who overcame obstacles.

We learn from their experiences that we can’t have a fearless lifestyle. However, we could enjoy a life in which we believe Christ and not let anxiety hinder us from accomplishing positive goals.

1. Mary, the mother of Jesus.


Mary, Jesus’ mother, is among the Bible’s most significant adored female characters, and several belief her to have been the holiest among all Christian martyrs.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son!”  Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

John 19:26-27 

Yet, the Bible character remained a devoted servant: She believed in God and followed His instructions. Although her life was full of glory, her vocation nevertheless saw many obstacles.

While there was happiness in maternity, there was also tremendous anguish in honor of becoming Jesus’s mother. Notwithstanding these challenges, the “mother of Jesus” obeyed God and submitted to His will.

Mary’s living rarely took away Jesus’ splendor because her purpose was to proclaim the triumph of the Son of God. She gave up her existence and status for God’s objectives

2. Hannah.

Hannah is one of the Bible’s most acceptable and remarkable female characters and one of the most recognizable women who overcame obstacles. Hannah desperately desired a baby but was childless.

But Hannah answered and said, “No, my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.  Do not consider your maidservant a wicked woman, for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief I have spoken until now.”

1 Samuel 1:15-16 

The wife of Elí pleaded to God for a son, and in exchange, she swore to devote his life to working with God. She had a son and called him Samuel. see 1 Samuel 1:2-2:21.

Hannah followed through on her commitment. She left her son to be nurtured in the sanctuary yet remained close to him and imparted guidance and insight to him during his life. Her devotion is mentioned in the Bible.

Hannah devoted her newborn Samuel to the Gods. She left him in the sanctuary to worship Jehovah all the years of his lifetime, according to 1 Samuel 1:11.

Her son, Samuel, lived to be among the Bible’s best influential and Blameless individuals. Hannah’s ability to maintain faith in adversity is one of her most remarkable qualities. She had faith in God that He would answer her prayer.

Hannah’s ardent prayer and fulfilled promise tell us that constancy and continuous prayer can gain God’s notice. She prayed to God for a child, and he blessed her with several kids.

3. Ruth.

Many people are captivated and challenged by Ruth’s narrative in the Bible. Ruth encountered obstacles because she was a widow from an “insurgent force having no hopes.” Nonetheless, God worked wonderfully in her tale, causing her to overcome the obstacles.

And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.

Ruth 1:20

Ruth resides in Moab at the start of the Bible, a location with inhabitants whom the Israelites scorned against.

Ruth had also recently lost her spouse and was residing with her bereaved mother. The Female character, too, lost her spouse without having children, leading others to believe she was barren.

Ruth had to have been going through many hardships and obstacles, yet she didn’t let her experience stand in her way. Ruth’s faith was impressive, considering such a youthful person of faith.

4. Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene was released from satanic obstacles and witnessed Christ’s resurrection glory.

As a consequence, this female character was among the earliest to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus. But, unfortunately, many common biblical representations of Mary Magdalene do not do her “tale respect” or reflect her integrity as a sincere follower of Jesus.

Matthew 28:1–10

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

Matthew 28:5-7

Despite getting revised numerous times, she continues to be a dominant feminine character.

When Mary and the accompanying women – including the 12- decided to follow Christ, they were incurring significant risk.

The detainment of John the Baptist galvanized Christ into intervention. A large part of John the Baptist’s mission occurred on Jordan’s eastern edge, in Herod’s kingdom of Parea.

5. Sarah, Abraham’s wife.

After Eve, the Bible mentions Sarah as the next female character to follow suit.

Unfortunately, Sarah was barren for almost all her life, presenting a significant obstacle. She never thought she could overcome such.

She laughed when Abraham’s wife was informed she would have a child. When Isaac was born, that same laugh evolved into excitement and delight.

According to Genesis 21:5-7, Abraham was 100 years old when his child Isaac got born. Sarah remarked that God gave her a laugh and that everyone who heard her would laugh together with r her. Only God made Abraham and Sarah have kids at such a time.

It occurred because God has spoken. That is God’s connection between people.

6. Deborah – The female warrior in the Bible.

Deborah, Israel’s prophet and judge, is famed for her intelligence, bravery, and humane thirst for truth. She was an instrument of power that was unusual in her era.


Deborah was one of the few female characters in the Bible to rise to the heights of the ruling government, despite receiving obstacles as a female. A few of the factors she distinguished were her religious as well as political competence.

Throughout the prolonged unrest, the book of Kings lets us know she became the only female judge. Deborah illustrates a woman who had confidence in God and aspired to be a beacon to her nation.

The Female character inspired most of her people to serve God and their beliefs at a time when it was urgently required.

7. Miriam – The First Female Prophetess.

Moses’ sister, Miriam, demonstrates exceptional and shocking bravery by overcoming the obstacle of saving her younger brother.


The little daughter of a Hebrew woman didn’t just contribute to her brother’s survival but also to Israel’s liberation.

Jochebed, Moses’ mother, and Miriam protected Moses by concealing him in the rushes at the lake’s side. Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him and raised him. Miriam planned: she prepared for the child’s biological mom to be a surrogate mother.

The Female character was a confident young lady who accompanied and kept an eye on Moses, eventually saving his life. Miriam helped lead the Hebrew folks over the 40 years of wandering living while seeking the Promised Land alongside her siblings Moses and Aaron.

8. Esther

Esther is the chronicle of a wonderful woman who was willing to overcome obstacles to rescue her nation.


She was a conscientious woman in the Bible that stood eager to commit to the welfare of everyone else before her own. She was a great model of service to people, even in the worst trying of situations.

Jesus declared in John 15:13 that “greater love has no one than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Our existence may be reasonably regular almost all day.

However, we often experience several decisive times when we are called upon to place biblical value ahead of individual gain. Esther demonstrated heroic qualities by risking her head to preserve the survival of her community.

Final Thoughts

These eight Bible characters overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles to overcome trials and tribulations of their own. Nevertheless, they prevailed over the greatest challenges in their lives and proved that with strength, courage, and determination—and a little help from God—anyone can succeed.

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